Springer, 2022. — 1118 p. — ISBN 978-3-030-92262-7. This book was written by a team of leading gear experts from across the globe, including contributions from USA, Germany, Poland, China, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. It provides readers with the latest accomplishments in the gear theory and gear cutting tool design.
Шлифова- ние абразивным червяком позволяет полу- чать зубчатые колеса 5–6-й степени точности с шероховатостью обработанной поверхно- сти в пределах Ra = 1,0–0,2 мкм [1]. The problems of increasing the ef- ficiency of grinding highly precision gearwheels of the 3–4 degree of preci- sion using superhard material tools are discussed.